For over 125 years, we have been working for the people in our federal state, in Austria and in neighbouring countries from the basis of our headquarters in Bregenz, the state capital of Vorarlberg. Today Hypo Vorarlberg represents a strong regional bank. The Managing Board and employees work with great commitment and the utmost reliability to act as a strong and reliable partner for people and companies. On behalf of all the employees, the Managing Board of Hypo Vorarlberg guarantees you excellent quality in your banking business in the future, too.
Michel Haller, CEO

- Credit Management - Corporate Customers (Credit Management - Corporate Customers, Credit Management Banks & Leasing, Credit Management St. Gallen, Balance Sheet Analysis, Credit support)
- Credit Management - Private Customers (Credit Management - Private Customers, Certification/Collateralization, Credit Service/Collateral Management, Housing Construction Aids)
- Group Risk Controlling Law (Central Loan Monitoring Corporate and Private Customers, Contract Law)
- Ombudsperson
- Human Resources (HR development)
- Communication & Marketing (Sponsoring/Events)
- Compliance & Outsourcing (BWG Compliance & Outsourcing, WAG Compliance, Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing)
- Strategic Bank Management
- Corporate and Internal Audit
- St. Gallen Branch Office (Risk Management)
- Hypo Vorarlberg, Italy (Risk Management, Real Estate)
Wilfried Amann

- Corporate Customers Sales (Branch Offices Corporate Customers, International Services/Correspondent Banking, Syndication/Structured Financing, Financial Aids Department)
- Private Customers Sales (Branch Offices Private Customers/Private Banking)
- Sales Vienna (Corporate Customers, Private Customers/Private Banking)
- Treasury (Funding & Investor Relations, APM & Investments, Money, Foreign Exchange and Interest Derivatives Trading, Securities Customer Trading)
- Sales Support (Produkt Management, Marketing Management, Customer Service Center (Banking Applications, Payment Transactions, Sales Department)
- Participation Administration
- St. Gallen Branch Office (Sales)
- Hypo Vorarlberg Leasing, Italy (Sales)
- Hypo Immobilien & Leasing GmbH
Philipp Hämmerle

- Finance (Bookkeeping, Supervisory Reporting, Account Management, Data and Document Management)
- Controlling
- Sustainability
- Asset Management (Portfolio Management, Back Office Asset Management, Advisory Desk)
- Mid- and Backoffice Funds, Securities and Derivatives (OTC Derivatives and Money Market Management, Funds Service, Securities Settlement)
- IT (Application Development, Bank Steering, Project Management Office, Banking Application, Infrastructure, GRC)
- Data Protection
- Logistics (Facility and Materials Administration)
The Managing Board is also responsible for all branch offices in Vorarlberg, Vienna, Graz, Wels, Salzburg and St. Gallen.