Facts in English


Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG

Hypo-Passage 1
6900 Bregenz

T +43 50 414-1000
F +43 50 414-1050

Bank code: 58000
VAT-ID: ATU36738508

Registry number: 145586y
Registry court: Landesgericht Feldkirch

Banking business according to § 1 (1) Austrian Banking Act (BWG), activities of a financial institution according to § 1 (2) BWG, activities according to § 1 (3) BWG, and arrangement of insurance contracts as insurance agent

Competent supervisory authorities

Financial Market Authority
Otto-Wagner-Platz 5
A-1090 Vienna

European Central Bank
Sonnemannstraße 22
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Member of Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Bank and Insurance Division

Applicable trade and professional provisions
In particular Banking Act (BWG) and Securities Supervision Act (WAG), as amended, available at www.ris.bka.gv.at

Information on legal remedies

Non-judicial dispute resolution

The customer may file complaints to the ombudsman's office at:

T +43 50 414-1106

The Austrian credit industry has set up a joint conciliation body to resolve certain complaints out of court.

The conciliation body is competent to resolve in particular disputes arising from the following activities:

  • Savings and deposit business
  • Domestic and cross-border money transfers
  • Opening, changing and cancellation of accounts
  • Payment accounts transactions
  • Credit contracts
  • Building savings contracts
  • Investment transactions
  • Real estate fund transactions
  • Foreign exchange transactions
  • Securities issue transactions
  • Deposit business
  • Securities brokerage

In case of a dispute, the customer may contact this conciliation board. The contact details of the Joint Conciliation Body of the Austrian credit industry are:

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, A-1045 Vienna
T +43 1 505 42 98
F +43 5 90 900 118837

Additional disclosures according to the Austrian Media Act

Media owner and editor

Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG
Hypo-Passage 1, 6900 Bregenz

Object of business: credit institutions

Managing board

  • Mag. Michel Haller
  • Dr. Wilfried Amann
    Member of the Managing Board
  • DI (FH) Philipp Hämmerle, MSc
    Member of the Managing Board

Supervisory board

  • Kommerzialrat Dkfm. Dr. Jodok Simma
    Chairman, CEO of Hypo Vorarlberg (retired), Bregenz
  • MMag. Dr. Alfred Geismayr
    Vice-chairman, accountant and tax advisor, Dornbirn
  • Astrid Bischof
    Entrepreneur, Göfis
  • Mag. Karl Fenkart
    Public servant, Lustenau
  • Ing. Eduard Fischer
    Managing director of Offsetdruckerei Schwarzach Gesellschaft mbH i. R., Dornbirn
  • Johannes Heinloth
    Member of the managing baord of L-Bank, Karlsruhe
  • Karl Manfred Lochner
    Member of the managing board of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW), Burgthann
  • Mag. Karlheinz Rüdisser
    Deputy governor a. D., Lauterach
  • Mag. Birgit Sonnbichler
    Entrepreneur, Dornbirn
  • Dr. Petra Winder
    Managing director, Bregenz
  • Veronika Moosbrugger, CIA, CFSA, CRMA
    Chairman of the works council, delegated by the works council
  • MMag. Dr. Gerhard Köhle
    Delegated by the works council
  • Mag. Judith Österle
    Delegated by the works council
  • Elmar Köck
    Delegated by the works council
  • Peter Niksic
    Delegated by the works council

State commissioner

Ministerialrätin Mag. Jutta Raunig
Kommissär Mag. Matthias Ofner (Deputy)

External trustee according to § 18 (3) PfandBG

Thurnher Wittwer Pfefferkorn & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Responsible individual: Dr. Christian Wirthensohn
Deputy: Dr. Viktor Thurnher

Media owner shareholdings

Total ownership: 100,0000 %

A) Vorarlberger Landesbank-Holding, A-6900 Bregenz, Hypo-Passage 1 76,8732 %
Province of Vorarlberg
Vorarlberger Landesbank-Holding represents special assets of the Province of Vorarlberg, www.vorarlberg.at:
100,0000 %
B) Austria Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, D-70174 Stuttgart, Am Hauptbahnhof 2 23,1268 %

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
D-70173 Stuttgart, Am Hauptbahnhof 2, www.lbbw.de
15,4179 %

Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg - Förderbank
D-76113 Karlsruhe, Schloßplatz 10/12, www.l-bank.de
7,7089 %

Landesbank Baden-Württemberg is an independent public-law institution. The following entities hold participations in the share capital of Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW):
Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg: 40,534 %
The State of Baden-Württemberg: 24,988 %
The City of Stuttgart: 18,932 %
Landesbeteiligungen Baden-Württemberg GmbH: 13,539 %
Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg - Förderbank: 2,006 %

Fundamental direction of the website's content

  • Description of business

  • Information on products and services offered and on events

  • Possibility to purchase banking products online

Legal notice

Although we are carefully verifying and continuously updating the information provided at hypovbg.at, such information may have been subject to change in the meantime.

We do not accept any liability that information provided by third parties is up-to-date, complete or correct.

We reserve the right to change and to supplement data and information at any time. We do not accept any guarantee for the availability of the website and its content.

We do not accept any responsibility for any content of website which is accessible via hyperlinks.

We disclaim any liability for direct, indirect or any other damage, regardless of cause, arising from the use or non-availability of data or information on this website.

Gender-related expressions used herein equally denote both genders.

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